Monday, November 5, 2007

Charlie Bell is Officially the Coolest Player in the NBA

It’s not every day that regular fans can interact with professional athletes, but for fans of the Milwaukee Bucks that logged onto their forum at, Charlie Bell gave them theirs.

The long running joke in the forum was that the Bucks point guard read the forums and was secretly a random member that would sometimes post, so on September 24, 2007, one member decided to make a thread about it asking other members to post questions for him to answer.

Soon other members started posting questions too.

How do you feel about Brett Favre?

If Ruben Patterson and Brian Skinner got into a punch-up, who would win?

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

Little did the members know that Bell would actually answer them. Though his blog on Bell wrote out his answers to 20 or so questions, confirming that he did indeed read the forums. And that he also thinks that Favre is a legend, Reuben would own in a fight, and that, yes, Spongebob Squarepants does live in a pineapple under the sea.

So when asked the true reason that glue doesn’t stick to the inside of the bottle, Bell simply explained that no air is allowed inside of it to dry it out.

And when asked to tell the average number of hookers Bobby Simmons punches on a random club night, Bell’s response, “ Bobby is a nice guy.”

However, one member, Nowak008, could not control himself and confessed his love for the former Michigan State Spartan, followed by, “Hey, if you ever get injured, you can come sit with me in the stands.” Undeterred, Bell responded, “Nowak, get your hand out my pocket!!!”

Aside from answering all of the silly questions that were asked, Bell also answered some of the more serious questions and talked some basketball with members of the forum.

Mid-way through the questions one member noticed that Charlie had changed his myspace headline to “Sigra is the man,” and asked why he though so highly of that member. Bell explained that he agrees with Sigra’s philosophy when it comes to guarding the opposing point guard. “Sigra and Pat Riley have the same idea. Frustrate the starting PG from the start. Throw him off kilter, therefore throwing the whole team off kilter.”

Fans also wondered if he would ever join realgm, since he already reads the forums anyways, and Bell promised he would join once the season starts.

Following the Bucks home opener, Charlie fulfilled his promise, finally becoming a member. “I promised that I would join realgm. Well, here I am,” Bell wrote in his first post. “(It) feels great to officially be a realgmer.”

In the end, it takes a humble person to be able to talk basketball online with just some random fans. For Charlie Bell, he’s just one down-to-earth guy, something that the entire sporting world needs more of.


Charlie Bell Questions

Charlie Bell’s Answers

Charlie Bell Officially Joins RealGM

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